I might buy and old American truck
I have kind of always wanted one. A proper American truck. An old Ford or Chevy. I don't really like the old Dodge. Jeep made a pretty cool one too…
I have kind of always wanted one. A proper American truck. An old Ford or Chevy. I don't really like the old Dodge. Jeep made a pretty cool one too…
I’m too proud to tell this to her face but I’m actually impressed by her old American “wanna be” sports car.. It’s a 2001 Ford Mustang and I love it :)
I love it because it’s been helping us out more than I could ever have imagined. It always works and I’m pretty sure it helped keep my girlfriend single until I entered the scene. It also kept taking me to and from the workshop where my big truck spent most of it’s time.. So instead of trusting mine, or any other truck for that matter, my girlfriend hooked her sports car up with a trailer and we have used it for EVERYTHING. There is something very nice about that.
Mind you, there are a few reasons to fight the love for a car like this..
Ledsen för tragglande med bilbilder, Men.. Idag lärde vi oss hur långt ner man kan köra bensinmätaren innan bilen stannar. Bensinstopp på ett trevligt ställe som heter Coronado. Bensinen närmast…
LA Autoshow löper i år från 22a November till 1a December. Det är över 70 000 kvadratmeter med bilar och de hade i år 22 världsdebuter. Bland annat Jaguar F-type…
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