Results of my latest AD

As I mentioned I put an ad out the other day. The ad is for a 62 sq.m. apartment with a big deck and a lot of storage. The rent is pretty much on market average for the area and my house is located in a village with good communications, grocery store, pizzeria, cafe and the closest city is 15 kilometers away.

Anyone who can guess how many people that contacted me about the apartment the first 24 hours?


60 people! (as much as half of my instagram posts. Click the image to see them).

There is a huge housing shortage. Almost scary? It’s good for me, but it’s not right. Our society is faulty and I’m blaming our current socialistic government because I’m not a fan of socialism. Allowances are like drugs and no government should interfere with the market. Taking money from some and giving money to some as if they were God!?! If they were, fine, but they’re not. They don’t have a clue what they are doing..

