Up and Out
The weather channel said there would be rain within a few hours so I went for a long walk first thing this morning. Just got back after some 15 000…
The weather channel said there would be rain within a few hours so I went for a long walk first thing this morning. Just got back after some 15 000…
Lot's of herring and vegetables is the best. Herring is a fish. Fish contains omega 3. Omega 3 is like a lubricant for your brain. Makes you feel better. Today…
Got a nice round of golf in today. Like the fifth one this year. And I played well. Right on my handicap is pretty good when you haven't been out…
Today is Saturday, but also midsummers day. That means a holiday in Sweden so our local bakery is closed and I'm stuck without my favourite croissant. Bummer.. Suppose I'll have…
Yep. It's today. We celebrate the brightest day of the year in Sweden. Turns out my body wanted to make the most of it so I woke up at 3…
It's been a while where I have been lacking motivation. I haven't been as hungry and energized as I want to be. There is nothing that makes me run out…
Remember the post I wrote about "My Local Market"? Turns out my feeling of inflated prices were right. Global Propery Guide just published some statistics about changes in house prices…
Bummer. I missed a potentially good deal in my hometown. A simple thing like adding a balcony to all apartments in a building like this is enough to increase the…
I have a friend (or, I think of him as a friend even though we only met once) who created this great way of helping people with their health through…
Extremely low interest rates, few properties for sale and me promoting the business of real estate too hard has resulted in a hot market that I don't really fancy buying…