Ok. More about feeling good.

It starts in the morning. I have been slacking in the morning. I need to get back to fruit and vegetables. Less bread. Starts tomorrow. Better breakfasts and some walks…

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World Economic Forum. What is it?

I don't know if anyone of you care, but today is the final day of World Economic Forums annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. I don't know why, but for some…

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I think I have said something about this before, BUT. I need to remind myself and this is a good forum for it. My belief is that in order to…

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Not a bad one, but a boring one. I think I'm still a bit low on D-vitamins since my month back in Sweden. Suppose I'll have to fill up real…

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Making time.

I watched the movie Limitless again yesterday. For some reason I keep associating his pill with what actually happens when my circumstances are perfect and my brain works it's best.…

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Are you watching this?

A good friend of mine started talking about how good this show was and said I should watch it. I'm usually pretty hard to convince, so I didn't. I was…

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The only way?

A friend of mine said something that was pretty spot on today: If you knew you wouldn't get paid for doing your job the next few months. Would you still…

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There is this movie.

I saw it yesterday and I really liked it. It's about the build-up to the economic collapse back in 2008. They had this really clever way of describing how the…

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