Jim Rohn, have you heard of him?

Jim Rohn is a superstar who helped inspirational people like Tony Robbins become the great influencers they are.

My friend introduced me to him and for some reason I feel very good hearing him go through his theories on how to be your best. It’s all the same, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill and so on, but some people get to me better than others.

He’s good, isn’t he? Jim Rhone. If you want more, Click Here.

I know there might be too much of this at times. All the positive thinking and mental preparation, but it makes all the difference, so let it be that way. Let’s look at it like (more…)

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Buying land and ranches

I just read about this guy called Stan Kroenke. He is buying land has just got his hands on another ranch.

buying land

This last ranch that he bought is located in Texas and has some more than 1,000 operating oil wells. It’s about 30 000 acres (12 200 hektar) and became his for some 700 000 000 million USD. Kroenke is one of the largest private landowners in the US and owns ranches in Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, British Columbia and now Texas. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

The most expensive ranch ever sold in the United States so far is Trinchera Ranch in Colorado. It is owned by the Forbes family.

So, is buying land any good? Well, here is where I’m at.

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How to increase the value of your property

I read some articles about how to increase the value of your property before a potential sale and these are the things most mentioned:

how to increase the value of your property

There are a few things that have a big effect on the value of your property and you can make sure to have them working in your favour. Or most of them.

The single biggest factor is your location. Since we can’t change the location after we have bought the place, it is what it is. What we can do is enhance the good things about your location. This is just something I like doing, not something found in articles. I usually put some chairs out on my favourite spot in the garden to invite people to that area, giving them a nice place to sit and think about the property they are interested in. I can’t prove it works, but I have a feeling it might help.

Now, to the things that we can affect. Here are three points on how to increase the value of your property:

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My friend borrowed my camera..

It's ducks. My friend borrowed my camera and took photos of ducks.. I use a Canon Eos D7 and I really like it. The best part is that I might…

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Top Ten quotes on Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries. This list of quotes comes straight from my favourite business person Richard Branson’s blog :)

Action is so much more powerful than words and even though he has released a few books, no one inspires more by just being himself, living his life then Mr. Branson does. He is truly great!

About pushing boundaries, I do my best at pushing to go further. As do you, I hope? It’s part of the game. Maybe not pushing boundaries out of a huge global perspective, but pushing out of our own comfort zone to accomplish more. It’s a hard task, but try pushing yourself a bit harder and you will be rewarded with peace of mind and potential success in your endeavors?

pushing boundaries

10. “The sky is not my limit… I am.” – T.F. Hodge

9. “A planet is the cradle of mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.” – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (more…)

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Multinationall business through Skype

I can do business in Sweden while taking a walk in Florida. Thank you Niklas Zennström, Skype is awesome!!

I looked through some photos my friend took the other day as we were out on a walk. The call was from one of my investors back home and we discussed some upcoming projects. Felt great to make sure we were still making progress in Sweden without having to be there. I tend to take so much for granted, but sometimes, like now, it just hits me how grateful I am for innovations. I have always wanted a “multinational” life and that would have been so hard to accomplish without stuff like Skype, internet banking, e-mails etc. Now, thanks to technology, I can run my Swedish business while in the USA and my American business while in Sweden without any interruptions. It’s great! Multinationall business is great!

multinationall business


skype (more…)

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An old boat, should I buy one?

I kind of want a boat. Don’t ask me why, but for some reason

I feel like buying an old something

The only problem is that I get really frustrated when working with old stuff, or doing most kinds of manual labour if I’m honest, so I know I’ll be miserable.

I have done this several times before and I always got fed up. Sometimes I finished my boat, car or motorcycle project, sometimes I didn’t. Good thing about all these projects is that they ended up profitable :) Buying something comparatively cheap is everything! Read more about it in this chapter: Dealing It

Boat (more…)


Top Tip: Delivery and Installation


Order the material and machines you need with delivery and installation for lower costs.

I’m almost done with restoring the final two houses that we bought here in central Florida and as I have been dealing with American contractors and companies I have learned that delivery is often cheaper than going to the store and buying that same product. The hard part is the planning.

If you are ordering stuff and have them delivered you need to be a few steps ahead. You need to know what products you want and you need to know how much in advance you have to order them. When done right, you end up having it all at your doorstep just when you need.


Soon to be developed

Not developed by me, sadly, but still to my advantage. The whole area is under construction and I love walking around looking at their progress. The road is Old Dixie HWY and the area is called Sun West. The development plan is to build some 2 500 houses, restaurants and a golf course, meaning it’s a major project!


sun west developed

How is this to my advantage?

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