Buy and hold investment

I LOVE a good buy and hold investment!

There has been three returning ingredients to my most successfull deals. Theese three ingredients makes me a lot of money, so I figured I’d tell you about them.

buy and hold investment


Number one. Buy a property :) Most of your money will be made here. In short, you want to buy something comparatively cheap. If you manage to secure a deal under the actual market value, you will most likely always have the option of selling with profit at any given time. This strategy will also help you maximize your potential appreciation. I spent a few months creating a massively useful document about how to find and analyze properties to make the best possible purchase right. If you want to read it, CLICK HERE. (in Swedish).


A step often overlooked by most investors and the step I like the best. (more…)

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Real Estate Investing Truth

What is Real Estate Investing Truth and what is myths? Here is what I have found out so far:

I know the title “Real Estate Investing Truth” isn’t perfect as I think this post is more about myths, which is the opposite of truth. I have received tons of e-mails with similar questions so I figured I’d try to clear a few things up.

real estate investing truth

First off. You don’t have to be wealthy to start. If you find a good investment with a good return, there will always be money for it. Banks, friends and family, wealthy people in your community, sellers, you name it. Know that it’s EASY to buy a property without putting any money down! If you want to know more: READ MY DOCUMENT ABOUT FINANCING (in swedish)


Secondly. Listen to everyone, but don’t trust anyone. I know that more than a few of you have been treated pretty poorly by banks, sellers, realtors etc. And it’s what to expect. Someone trying to sell you something will be nice, kind and friendly. But rarely honest. Bankers follow rules and orders from above. No matter how good you think your relationship is specific to any person in the business, know that they might turn against you at any time if their orders change.

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It’s better to Work efficiently!

If we work efficiently, we won’t have to work as hard. I mean, look at the picture below. Who would you rather live like, my friend Andreas who bought one of my cash flow properties, or the guys below?

work efficiently

My friend lives and skies in the Alps most of the year with some occasional breaks to work in Sweden where he has his real estate and work efficiently! The properties he owns most likely makes him a lot more money than any average worker. Giving how much money he is making on such a minimal input can only mean one thing. He is very efficient.

The reason I bragged about my friend is that I live a very similar life and have a hard time bragging about myself. Even if that’s what I’m doing right now.. What I’m trying to say is that efficiency is everything.

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Vacation rental investment

Is a Vacation rental investment any good?

Well. From what I’ve heard they can be very profitable. That’s good. A second perk is the vast range of property management available. Amongst the challenges we find pricing, vacancies and wear.

vacation rental investment

A vacation rental investment will usually have to be in a very good location in order to be attractive amongst tourists. If your rental isn’t in a popular area, finding customers will be hard. Without customers, no money..

What can we do about this? (more…)

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What makes someone successful?

I think I belive that knowledge and the ability to act is what makes someone successful.

But I also know there is more to it. Like skill, timing, self-discipline, luck, etc. Or wisdom. I love the idea of being wise. I think I said it before, but there is a definition of wisdom that state: “the ability to make constantly good decisions”. In doing so, what can go wrong?

So now, back to what makes someone successful. Knowledge can be attained, the ability to act can be solved by motivation, wisdom comes from doing, skills can be learned, timing can be yours through study if historic cycles, self discipline you just have to man up and do it right, but luckily? How do we get lucky? Well. Let me tell you about the path to luck.

what makes someone successful

the path to luck

If you want to be luckier, start (more…)

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The Millionaire Real Estate Investor

I’m reading a book called The Millionaire Real Estate investor.

And the Millionaire Real Estate Investor seems pretty good. I figured I’d mentioned some of the stuff I read as I go. The book is a result of some pretty hard work by a guy named Gary Keller, Dave Jenks and Jay Papasan. I bought it on Amazon.Com if you want your own copy. Only a couple of dollars.

Millionaire real estate investor

So, here we go. I’ll try to share a few of the lessons learned in the first chapter. (more…)

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Real Estate inspired video – Canon d7, Tokina11-16

I made a Real Estate Inspired Video while testing my new Tokina lens.

The equipment is getting better and better. Sadly, my filming and editing skills aren’t quite keeping up. But I still love trying to be creative, even though I’m not as gifted as I want to be. Still. Room for improvement makes for nice challenges :)

Watch more videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel here!

The video above was shot in Port Richey, Florida. It’s a pretty run down area with lot’s of abandoned properties and foreclosures. The big recession in 2008 hit really hard all over Florida and it becomes very apparent in some areas, like this one.

Still. A mess like this creates room for new opportunities. Hence my real estate inspired video with some stories on how profits can be found everywhere. Even in places like this.

What is most striking to me is the massive amounts of abandoned commercial properties. (more…)

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My grandfathers entrepreneurship

Yes, this is about my grandfathers entrepreneurship!

And his trade? Flowers! He peaked while selling carnations that he grew in most of his many greenhouses before moving on to grow and distribute roses. He passed in his late 80’s with one of the best nicknames in Sweden. “The Rose King” :)

grandfathers entrepreneurship



I know there are neither carnations or roses in the pictures above, just some other flowers I found on my walk the other day.. Sorry!

So what did I learn from grandfathers entrepreneurship? He passed away before I was mature enough to understand all the lessons he could have taught me. But I do know he inspired me. He was the first to tell me that “You are going to be a fine businessman my boy” before I could walk.

Anywhoo. He did really well at times. He owned big gardens and greenhouses in Sweden and France. He lived a comfortable life and socialised with a lot of interesting people. He traveled the world and installed one of Swedens first private swimming pools (more…)

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Renting commercial space

Renting commercial space, how hard can it be?

My experience on this subject is limited so I probably shouldn’t be giving too much in dept information. But, I do have some knowledge on the subject, so I’ll share parts of that with you.

renting commercial space

I’m only renting commercial space on one location at the moment. It’s a restaurant in Sweden that works great. I have a good agreement with my renters. The agreement is a major thing (more…)

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