Brune Kulle – 90 new lot’s with a view
Sounds like I'm trying to sell it, but I'm not. Brune Kulle is Swedish for Brown Hill. A pretty rubbish name for a new development if you ask me. Especially…
Sounds like I'm trying to sell it, but I'm not. Brune Kulle is Swedish for Brown Hill. A pretty rubbish name for a new development if you ask me. Especially…
You aren't suppose to be at the office on Sundays. You are suppose to keep the Sabbath day holy. I think I'll do that by going for a long walk.…
Halmstad Castle to be exact. Anywhoo. I have had a few complaints from some readers of my very shoddy blog. Last one from my very not shoddy girlfriend. The problem…
So I had some time and decided I wanted to see if I was up to date on my real estate market. Or one of my real estate markets. As…
Bad, bad photos… I know you aren’t supposed to do this as it makes my blog very unprofessional, but I tend to be the same no matter what I’m doing, so this will happen.
If I buy paint, boards, nails, etc. for a house I try really hard to use it all. If you can put 90% of what you buy into good, use it becomes a lot cheaper than if you only manage to use 60%. I had the same idea about the photos this morning. I know this is wrong, but I honestly have something built in to me that really wants to use all the photos I have rather than throwing them away, which I should do.
First, a photo of a police car in downtown Tampa :)
Then I have these few. It’s photos from two days ago when I walked by a big construction site. These photos are really awful, but as I said, I just have a really hard time throwing them away…
I know. Who thinks about stuff like that..? Well, I do! Here is what's wrong with bank office locations. The location! I know this sounds weird, but there is a…
I live and work in both Florida and Sweden. These are two very different real estate markets with their own strengths and challenges.
They are both getting sort of hot at the moment. Not perfect in my opinion as this is not good times for buying, my favourite thing to do. However. Not bad either as the value of our properties are going up.
There are a few things indicating hot markets. One: house prices are going up. Two: there are more buyers for every sale. Three: The bidding usually ends way above asking price rather than under. Four: A lot more new places are being built. Five: Relatively bad lot’s are getting sold and built on. Five: Time for a photo. (more…)
I don’t know why I find stuff like this interesting, but I do. This is a list of popular amenities by American states. I haven’t found any similar information about Sweden yet, but anyways, here we go. The most popular amenities by State:
Alabama = screened decks
Alaska = southern exposure
Arizona = RV-gates
Arkansas, eh. I just realized I’m too lazy to share all the information. I’ll add a photo to this post, then continue with the states that interests me below :)
Florida wants hurricane shutters and Georgia private backyards. In Indiana they want a mini barn while Californians prefer freeway access. Another nice one is Missouri, where buyers prefer it if they get a “deer room”.
Nevada. Any guess? (more…)
A Sunday drive is a Swedish thing where you use the time you normally have off to drive around, very slowly, to look at things that interests you. My grandfather…
Why? Why is skyscrapers downtown better? Well. I believe a good downtown should be full of people as people makes it more vibrant and alive. By building tall residential buildings…