Jon Olsson has the best blog in the world!

I know. Jon Olsson… I wish I was the one who did, but I’m not. He is. For sure. He has the only blog I keep coming back to every day. No other homepage does that. He lives a life that beats most and he is for real very smart. Impressively smart. The link is HERE.

jon olsson

He takes good photos too. Great photos and great editing. I know he uses presets his photographer friend Oskar Bakke helped him with. Oskar Bakke is really cool too. A photographer who specializes in cars (I think). You can check his homepage out HERE.

Anywhoo… Time to get a move on. I’m having dinner in a newly developed block in downtown Tampa. They call Channelside and it looks super nice. I’ll bring my camera and see if I can get some good photos of it. Have a fine Sunday!

ps. Here is more of my stuff from downtown Tampa.

