In search of motivation

It’s been a while where I have been lacking motivation. I haven’t been as hungry and energized as I want to be. There is nothing that makes me run out of bed and live my life to 100% like I would when I’m in my best mode.

I have had periods like this before, but not as long as this one. Back then I used to read a few chapters of Think and Grow Rich I’d be up and running again in no time. This time, I obviously need something more.

I know Tony Robbins is huge in the community of motivation, and I know lot’s of people who loves his stuff. I haven’t really gotten into it before as I have found my positive thinking in other places, but now, after struggling even after resorting to what has usually cured my lack of motivation and ambition, I have decided to dive into some of his stuff.

First things first. I started reading one of his most talked about books, “Awaken the Giant Within”. You can download your free copy HERE. If I like it, I suppose the next step is one of his seminars. Something like Business Mastery in Las Vegas, August 5th to 9th..?


Also. Before you move on. I just added my blog to Bloglovin. Feel free to follow it there in order to help more people find it. Thanks!
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