Cross Country Skiing

It’s probably one of my favourite ways to exercise. Usually very very beautiful out on the trails and always a great workout. Sadly there is not too much snow around where I’m spending most of my time. Southern Sweden rarely has snow. If there is, I’m most likely somewhere else since I’m not a fan of the long dark Swedish winter. I am here now though. And It’s winter. But no snow so far. It’s about 4 degrees out, mist and some occasional rain. That’s actually more depressing than minus 10 and snow. Snow makes it lighter. So. The plan is to leave Sweden in early January again. Let’s hope I there’s some snow before then so I can get out and ski at least a few times.


Today is a business day, as all others. I’ve got two meetings. 1 with an investor, 1 with a seller of stuff I need to my houses and 1 with the head of all carpenters I usually use for jobs in the multifamily homes I own.

