Chapter One – Flipping A House :)

Today is a good day! I’m publishing the first potential chapter of my potential book. Feels good. Now, bare in mind that this is my first chapter so I’m expecting to get better at writing and all, but for a start, I think this is pretty good. I hope you will find something in it to motivate you, make you a better investor and help you take action!


As I said in the video, it’s about a deal that I did. I flipped a house that I bought through foreclosure. Or flipped. Maybe we should call this a hybrid. I got the place for a potentially good cash flow, but ended up selling it pretty soon making an easy and big profit. As I did this deal I also managed to get my down payment back within the first month of owning it thanks to a hidden value on the property. This hidden value had most other customers backing away, making the place cheaper and then giving me most of my cash back. All in all a very simple and nice deal thanks to a positive approach and seeing beyond what made others back away.

Now. I’d love it if you read the chapter and let me know what you think. All feedback would be GREATLY appreciated and should help making the chapters to come better. And I want them to be good. Really good. I want them to be helping you out as much as possible!

Read it and let me know what you think. After you have done that, TAKE ACTION! Go get what you want in life!



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Josh

    Thanks Lars. See your points. I liked it alot.

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