I’m too proud to tell this to her face but I’m actually impressed by her old American “wanna be” sports car.. It’s a 2001 Ford Mustang and I love it :)
I love it because it’s been helping us out more than I could ever have imagined. It always works and I’m pretty sure it helped keep my girlfriend single until I entered the scene. It also kept taking me to and from the workshop where my big truck spent most of it’s time.. So instead of trusting mine, or any other truck for that matter, my girlfriend hooked her sports car up with a trailer and we have used it for EVERYTHING. There is something very nice about that.
Mind you, there are a few reasons to fight the love for a car like this.. (more…)
Let me give you a quick lesson in Florida building history. Florida can be very hot and humid. The problem in general is to avoid the heat rather than staying warm. Before air conditioners the only way to do so was to get a good air flow through the house. According to some southern engineers a good way to do so was to keep the building open all the way through and have doors on the front and the back. The opening that ran through the house had to be big enough and so their best way to measure it was to shoot right through the house with a shotgun and see if all the bullets made it through. Hence a shotgun house :)
I really like their design. I think they look welcoming and somewhat freindly? I also (more…)
And another three already rented. This is going well so far! We just want to get good tenants that are in line with what we are trying to accomplish. It’s like we are going for a certain atmosphere. We want a nice beachy, artsy but still a bit upper class kind of feel to it.
The ads for our apartments for rent has been published in the MLS (in-between realtors) and on Craigslist. Seems like craigslist is giving more leads. To ensure good renters we decided to put our own information out there, and if there are potential tenants we like, we send them on to our property manager.
This apartment is a 2 bed 1 bath. And it's a sweet apartment! We put in new floors, painted, new air conditioner, new countertop, new wiring, new lights and completely…
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I found this list of house price statistics from Knight Frank. The following countries had the biggest appreciation last year's. Sweden at third. I'm afraid that means it is going…
I started my career as a real estate investor earlier, but..
I have only done these “best of” videos for the last three years. I don’t know why I keep doing my real estate investor videos. Not that many views, not that many comments, but still super fun. I have tried not writing here, not doing videos, etc. But it’s weird not to. Beeing here makes me feel like I have a bit more purpose. I like that. Did you know that I have had this homepage up and running for more than 7 years by now? So.. which of these videos do you like the most? Well, Lars.. I kind of like the first one. and the second one is ok. The third one is growing on me :)
Tenant contact, how do I keep in touch with my renters?
This is a pretty big part of being a property owner. Do it right and everything is fine, get it wrong and it might get super annoying..
I have renters in both Sweden and USA with four different setups for dealing with them. A hired real estate agent as my property manager, tenant as a property manager, I manage a few apartments myself and I have my girlfriend/ partner and her mum to manage one. (more…)