A category about Real Estate

The foundation is expenxive

A big part of a new house is the foundation. More so in Scandinavia and other colder parts of the world than Florida or Spain. The reason is its sophisticated…

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Both of my real estate markets are hot!

I live and work in both Florida and Sweden. These are two very different real estate markets with their own strengths and challenges.

real estate markets

They are both getting sort of hot at the moment. Not perfect in my opinion as this is not good times for buying, my favourite thing to do. However. Not bad either as the value of our properties are going up.


There are a few things indicating hot markets. One: house prices are going up. Two: there are more buyers for every sale. Three: The bidding usually ends way above asking price rather than under. Four: A lot more new places are being built. Five: Relatively bad lot’s are getting sold and built on. Five: Time for a photo. (more…)

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Popular amenities by State

I don’t know why I find stuff like this interesting, but I do. This is a list of popular amenities by American states. I haven’t found any similar information about Sweden yet, but anyways, here we go. The most popular amenities by State:

Alabama = screened decks
Alaska = southern exposure
Arizona = RV-gates
Arkansas, eh. I just realized I’m too lazy to share all the information. I’ll add a photo to this post, then continue with the states that interests me below :)

popular amenities

Florida wants hurricane shutters and Georgia private backyards. In Indiana they want a mini barn while Californians prefer freeway access. Another nice one is Missouri, where buyers prefer it if they get a “deer room”.

Nevada. Any guess? (more…)

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