10 things I had on my mind when I woke up today.
1. Aah, nice. I'm awake and I feel good. I know this might sound corny, but I'm always very grateful each time I wake up feeling good, strong and ready…
A category that contains lifestyle stuff.
1. Aah, nice. I'm awake and I feel good. I know this might sound corny, but I'm always very grateful each time I wake up feeling good, strong and ready…
Every day. It's kind of nice. Once you realize it's impossible not to sweat and just goes with it, it gets a lot better. Really good to be honest. 85…
As some of you might have noticed I'm in the United States at the moment. My plan is to see if I can flip a house and/or find investments that…
Or it was actually the Saturday that was kind of bloody. Had an awesome barbeque in Tampa yesterday. Great high quality meat that was grilled just perfectly. Bloody in the…
I'm sticking to the normal routine. Having a croissant each Saturday will make you happy and successfull. You should try it :)
In between house hunting and taking care of the Swedish business this is a pretty nice place to think about things :) ps. I might have another house in my…
I'm in Orlando. A place like Skara in Sweden, but different :) Instead of Skara sommarland they have Disney World and Universal studios. Haven't visited any of them but went…
Completely inspired by another blogger, I decided to write about three. Because according to some, three is the magic number. Three things I look forward to >> Going to Florida…
I found a list from Business Insider about the first 18 things successful people do as they start their day in the office. It's pretty clever and has some good…
I was going to relax like our dog did, but ended up doing a fair bit of work instead. And had my croissant, of course... Have a nice weekend!