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The real estate market and avarage prices

I thought about the real estate market yesterday as an investor friend wanted to show me his boat.

real estate market

We drove out to a place he has on the gulf here in central Florida. As we got there he told about the house with it’s dock and deep sea access. According to him, he overpaid for it back in 2007 and it wasn’t until now he started seeing a chance of making some money on it.


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Land use. See past others issues:

Land use is a big thing. Be creative and make millions!

This guy here in central Florida made a really inspiring deal. A big piece of land was up for sale on a really good location. It was about an acre big on a well thought after address. All the land around it had been developed with upper class neighbourhoods and the margins for building something new here would be great!

But there was a problem. The land had been used as a dump. Back in the day they called it landfill. What it means is that they just dug out a big hole and filled it with garbage. As a result, there were major settlement issues and heavy regulations against it so now people will probably ever live on this piece of land.


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