I know! A house on wheels is for old people, but I don’t care. I wanted a surprise for my girlfriend as she flew in from Florida so decided to get us a place for our own. A place that we could move around to enjoy more of Europe. Brilliant, isn’t it?
Giving how I am, it still had to be a good deal. One of my favourite things about my girlfriend is that she works the same way. This RV or house on wheels is just like any house flip. It just involves some more mechanical work.
So, the RV. It’s a 1971 Mercedes Benz. I know, A BENZ!! As it’s 45 years old it needs a lot of TLC. In order to bring it back to life we began by grinding all the rust of the exterior, then spackle (tons of it), then some waterproofing, then sanding and the next step, paint! But that’s not done yet. Fixing all the rust holes was work enough to begin with.. I will make a second episode of our RV restauration here on the blog once we are a bit further ahead.
I hope you are all doing well! A lot more visitors here on the blog lately. Thanks! Have a great Wednesday.