FEMA and their 50% rule – What can one do?
I have just gotten in to something that is bothering me majorly. The county is claiming the 50% rule on some of our houses after having them flood during a…
I have just gotten in to something that is bothering me majorly. The county is claiming the 50% rule on some of our houses after having them flood during a…
Is it just me, or is every mans challenge to fight a belief that all is so much better somewhere else? A toxic thought taking away from our ability to…
Because writing is a good way to share. The best way me. I like to write. Blogs might not be the latest and greatest, but I have decided to not…
Living can only be done if done true. So what does it mean to be true? Does it mean to conform to all uncomfortable, sometimes stupid and often suppressing ways…
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I was just sitting, browsing some old YouTube video when I noticed that I have been making content for more than 10 years! Below are some of my favorites. My…
Benefits of Having a Real Estate Agent to Buy a Home It's a difficult task to buy a home by yourself. However, a realtor can provide you with the details…